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Clockwork Writings Blog

The Writing Trap

Writer: Darragh KempsonDarragh Kempson

A Rhyme and Reason Behind your Writing Woes

It's fairly common for writers to run into periods of 'writer's block', a sense of longing to write coupled with a complete inability to do so. We stare at the blank page with a kind of terror reserved only for those especially scary horror films. It seems to call to us, whispering over our shoulder, daring us to sully it with some kind of drivel. I've felt this more than once, and find it is only all the more common when I need to get something done. That is for another post, however, today I've something a little different to talk about.

The lesser-known cousin of this infamous issue is something I like to call the 'writing trap', and it can be no less of a nightmare. Let me set the scene for you.

I've just spent hours working on this piece of prose. When I started the words just seemed to flow from me, pulling me deeper and deeper in, but now they've dried up. The well of inspiration is naught but a sandy desert. But, I've started. If I stop now I'll lose the run of things, completely forget what I was going for, or maybe even never go back to it. I can't write anything else. I have to finish.

That my readers; is the writing trap. That sense of needing to continue, despite my creativity telling me otherwise. In reality, stepping away might well be the best thing, but in the moment, all of my writing instincts are screaming at me to keep going.

This little issue is the bane of my existence, even more so than writer's block. I find myself stuck on projects that aren't going anywhere, wrapped up in ideas that would be better suited to the 'for later' pile. It means that oftentimes I let alternate inspiration pass me by, only to regret it when I finally pull myself away. So, to prevent the suffering of my fellow writers, I've compiled a quick list of my favourite ways to break out of that writing trap.

  1. Easy Listening: Personally, I like to listen to music when I write. If the mood takes me I will even build a playlist for a certain location or character to help me get into the right mindset. If I find myself running down that familiar rabbit hole of the writing trap I'll nip over to my Spotify and change the music. Just the act of changing the background noise can often be enough to kick me out of the spiral. If it's particularly bad I'll put on a musical I can't help but sing along to. Trust me it works wonders.

  2. You are what you Read: The adage you are what you eat can be translated well to the writing profession. The books you read will affect the things you write. It follows then that if I'm struggling with a bit of crime fiction the best thing for me to do is pick up a fantasy novel and start reading. There's very little better for getting the creative engine going.

  3. Turn it Off: No, I'm not quoting 'Book of Mormon', this little technique is the last in the trio and the parachute when the rest fails. Simply switching off the laptop or closing the notebook is the best way to combat this little issue. Force yourself to step away. Go watch a movie or TV show, go for a walk, do something, anything else. The writing trap needs you to be in front of the page to cause its mayhem. While it can be heartwrenching, the best thing to do if you notice yourself struggling is to move away. The breath of fresh air will set the mind reeling.

Now I know not all of these will work for everyone but if I can help just a little then my work here is done. In the meantime, everyone, happy reading, writing, and just generally living. I look forward to seeing you by the fire again soon...



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